Step 1 – Sign-up for a FREE WELL online account in Step 2 – Register for the Exam by paying applicable fees Step 3 – Schedule the exam through Prometric To become a WELL AP, all candidates must pass the 100 questions multiple-choice exam, administered by GBCI, taken at Prometric testing centers. The exam is designed to test a candidate’s competency to perform the duties of a WELL AP. The GBCI’s exam is based on the expertise of leading practitioners in the field of design, health, and wellness in the built environment. Download this version of the WELL Certification Guidebook for free to help you prepare for the WELL AP exam if you are scheduled to sit the WELL AP exam after August 24, 2020. Our WELL AP Study Guide is crafted to help you study efficiently. Prepare to take the WELL AP exam 2023 – 24 through our comprehensive study guide and multiple practice tests. Pass your exam with ease and prepare yourself for your future! Receive all of these exclusives with purchase of the WELL AP Study Guide (All these study materials are instantly downloadable after payment): The WELL AP Exam Preparation Guide 3rd Edition is a comprehensive study material to prepare for the exam. It emphasizes the mastery of the Building Standard, a performance-based rating system that connects building design. It also covers the seven WELL Concepts, all of the features, and their requirements.
The best WELL AP study guide you’ll ever need
✔ WELL AP Exam Preparation Guide V2
✔ WELL AP Matrix
✔ WELL Glossary
✔ WELL AP Certification & Compliance Requirements

Are you interested in adding a WELL AP credential to your resume? Look no further. Buy the comprehensive 198-pages WELL AP Study Guide Version 2 to gain a better understanding of what to expect in the WELL AP Exam!
Healthy interiors and well-being are the trending topics of sustainable design these days. The WELL Building Standard focuses on the people in the building. The standard places human health and comfort to the forefront of building practices and reinvents buildings that are not only better for the planet, but also for people. The WORLD’s FIRST building standard focused exclusively on human health and wellness. The WELL Building Standard sets performance requirements in SEVEN CONCEPTS relevant to occupant health in the built environment.
What are the STEPS to becoming a WELL AP in 2023 – 2024?